29 May 2009

iCalendar 0.1 Grails Plugin just released

Just seconds ago I got it all ready to release the first version of the iCalender Grails plugin. Version 0.1 is absolutely simple and easy to use. It covers - in my point of view - the main topics of the iCal format.

So when should I use the iCalendar Plugin in my Grails application?
Well if you want to provide a simple iCalendar export service within your Grails controllers to first convert your event data to iCal and the send it to the client. One big advantage is that you can use a builder to describe your event data. This could look for example like this.

iCalendar.calendar {
events {
event(start: new Date(), end: new Date(),
description: 'Events description', summary: 'Short info') {
organizer(name: 'your name', email: 'your@email.com')

If you'd like to know more about this plugin please feel free to visit the plugins homepage.


Unknown said...

Hi there!
I´m trying to use your plugin (iCalendar) into an application that i developed.Do you have an example?There isn´t documentation about this. Thanks!

siwa said...

Hi Carlos

The iCalendar plugin is quiet straight forward. Please find the documentation here (http://www.grails.org/plugin/ic-alendar).
If that does not help please tell me what you need.

Best regards

luisamat said...

Hi, I'm trying to use your groovy plugin, but have an issue. Is there a way to specify that an event is all-day? I looked at your code and it seems like the start and end dat and time are getting parsed no matter what.

siwa said...

Hi luisamat

Please file an issue at https://github.com/saw303/grails-ic-alender/issues

So we can discuss it there.